Facebook Page Audit

Facebook Page
Would you like me to run a Facebook Page Audit for your Page?
Have a look here!
If you already run a page for your brand and you want some quick tips and general engagement advice, you can have it from here. There are no monthly subscriptions; just one time payment and you can have the report to use it again and again.
In the report you will receive, you will find advice and recommendations for an optimised Facebook Page, targeting engagement. So, if you see declined engagement, inactive members and no fresh content or ideas to create content, you can ask for the engagement coming directly from me.
In the Facebook Page Audit I check:
- All the details written in the About tab
- All the available tabs to locate any broken links
- Tips for Post Optimization
- Tips for new types of content
- Tips for overall increase of Page Engagement
You will get in 48 hours a detailed report full of optimisation tips and personalised content ideas.
Fee: €50
Complete the payment and send me an email on smwtips@gmail.com with the subject “Facebook Page Audit”, where you will include the link of your Facebook Page. This will be the email I will answer you with the report. Just make sure you mark it as a safe contact.
Facebook Page Audit + Implementation
Apart for the Facebook Page Audit, we can cooperate for at least one month, until you start seeing results.
If you agree with the content in the report but you don’t feel ready to implement it completely on your own, we can cooperate until you feel ready to take it from there.
We will focus to make the Facebook Page more active, with content that matches the audience’s preferences and improve the engagement it gets.
I will be next to you, on every step you wish to take and I will advice you accordingly
You don’t need to change anything on the way you currently work. Any potential change will be an add-on, so there is no risk at all.
Gradually, you will learn on what type of content your community better responds to. This will help you to create and offer more content they will love to consume.
There are no monthly fees that could hurt your brand’s budget. The cooperation is short – term and usually lasts for one month.
You have the complete control of anything posted. If something doesn’t feel right, it will not be posted.
There will be a practical help in the content creation process. Not just theoretical advice.
You will eventually apply things you may have already known you should, but it was never in your priorities!
So, if you are interested in making the next step, but first you need some guidance, you can start from here and then build your online presence on a solid base!
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